The story behind
Cheecolicious was founded by myself, Jodi Hoeksel, in 2014 whilst on maternity leave with my youngest cheeky monkey. Once we embarked upon reusable nappies and wool nappy covers, I was so inspired to merge eco conscious slow fashion with more economical options of wool covers for babies which resulted on our first unique product - the Wulbrid Nappy Cover which was designed to fit from birth to potty years whilst also having coverage for the fullest cloth nappies at the time. This further expanded to GWM (grow with me) wool trousers and then further to cloth menstrual pads for bleeders.
Disposable nappies, incontinence, and menstruation products create a substantial amount of long term waste in our word and are also really expensive. By making small changes we have the opportunity to substantially reduce our footprint whilst protecting our delicate eco system.
Our world has changed so much since the 2020 pandemic and even more for UK small businesses since final Brexit terms were enacted in January 2021 in terms of supply chains and costs of our most exclusive materials. This has resulted in me reformulating what materials are used to create Cheecolicious products. We have evolved to face the current situation though I will always have as my first priority utilising the highest standard eco-conscious materials available at a price to also keep my beloved Cheecolicous business sustainable.
Jodi Hoeksel
Founder of Cheecolicious